High Blood Pressure & Chiropractic in Brookfield WI


High Blood Pressure & Chiropractic in Brookfield WI

Did you know that around 70 million people have hypertension (high blood pressure)? Nearly 1000 people die each day from high blood pressure and the problems associated with it. What's even scarier is about one-fifth of adults with high blood pressure are not even aware that they have it because it does not usually cause symptoms. Fortunately, chiropractic care in Brookfield WI offers a drug-free solution.

Chiropractic and High Blood Pressure in Brookfield WI

Most people don't call their chiropractor when they are diagnosed with high blood pressure - but they should. In March of 2007, the Journal of Human Hypertension published a study showing a significant improvement in blood pressure levels in patients following adjustments to their C1 (or Atlas) vertebrae. Those patients had improved blood pressure ratings even 8 weeks later!

Treating Hypertension

High blood pressure is easy to diagnose and there are a number of treatments. Medical doctors often prescribe medications to artificially lower blood pressure, but these treatments usually do not help with the cause of high blood pressure - they only treat the effects. Lifestyle changes, especially diet and exercise, are the safest, most natural way to lower blood pressure.

Call one of our offices located in Brookfield WI, New Berlin WI, or Williams Bay WI today to have your blood pressure checked today and find out if you're a good candidate for chiropractic care.